Wonderful writing, amazing world!!!! If you haven't read it yet, this was a really interesting book https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3052474955

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I DIDN'T know that book, Leanne, but I'll get it for sure, thank you.

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I am a fan of his writing. I wrote a bit about his borneo book here https://3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2020/08/love-letter-to-a-vanishing-world.html

He chooses really compelling stories. The Swiss man from his other book should be a novel--incredible story.

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Hey thanks for sharing the 3QD story. It looks like a fun read.

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Fascinating Papua New Guinea story Mr. Murray! Another great read!

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Thank you Steven. It was a little bit outside our range of experiences. And those are the best kind of trips.

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